
I'm tech lead for the AI Agents team at Inscribe ↗, building LLM-powered AI agents to automate manual tasks and help catch financial fraud. Inscribe's customers include some of the biggest names in fintech like Ramp and Plaid.

Before that, I built a new AI product line at PredictionHealth, worked at CarTrawler and UBiqube, ran a freelance consultancy, and founded a startup called Concert Window.

I love open source and enjoy working on side projects when time permits.

I often use TypeScript, Go, Python, React, Node, REST, GraphQL, CSS, Tailwind, NextJS, Remix, Figma, React Testing Library, Playwright, Postgres, MySQL, all manner of AWS and GCP services, OpenAI, Cloudflare, Vercel, Planetscale, Docker, Kubernetes, and CI/CD.

Have a question or idea? Please feel free to get in touch.

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Recent Projects

  • Inscribe AI ↗(Tech Lead, AI Agents)
    Lately I've been tasked with creating a brand new generative AI team which is using LLMs to build a new product line for the company. Leading a talented group of fullstack and ML engineers, I've been implementing scalable processes including customer feedback loops, agile planning, LLM-agnostic system architecture, automated evals, and continuous product delivery.
  • PredictionHealth ↗ (Engineering Team Lead)
    I helped PredictionHealth build a new product line, now doing millions in revenue, which applies AI to medical care to improve outcomes and efficiency. I worked with ML models and LLMs, rearchitected legacy React, Go, and Python apps, set up scalable dev processes with automated CI/CD, and mentored engineers, among many other things. Some tools I used are React, NextJS, TypeScript, Playwright, Go, Python, gRPC, Docker, AWS Lambda, BigQuery, Kubernetes, Vercel, and GitHub Actions.


  • "Dan has been wonderful to work with and I would recommend him to anyone. He has been a fantastic manager and mentor, and helped me and our team grow as engineers. He has helped keep our codebase clean, well organized, and performant. He makes insightful comments during project planning, and always delivers on time. He is knowledgeable about all of the best practices for both frontend and backend code. He has an excellent eye for UI design, and has made some of the best interfaces I've ever used."
    - Jack Kelly, Software Engineer at PredictionHealth
  • "Dan Gurney has the ability to see the big picture and the skills to get there. Dan uses his expertise to build quality features at lightning speed... It's apparent that he values a positive company culture. He takes the time to get to know his team members, which results in a cohesive team that is able to accomplish complex projects. As both a team member and leader, Dan has my highest recommendation."
    - Terry Gleckler, Operations Manager at PredictionHealth
  • "He's a brilliant engineer but also a steady leader and great team player. His attention to detail and thoughtfulness about his work were exemplary, and his ability to work through tough problems collaboratively was integral to building a great Product. He can pretty much do it all and isn't afraid to jump in and get things built quickly, while also never sacrificing quality."
    - Kate Celauro, Customer Success Manager at PredictionHealth
  • "Dan is a fantastic coder and teacher. He plans things meticulously. His code is clean, readable and easy to review. He stays up to date with the emerging libraries and technologies... He implemented our entire CI/CD pipeline, with automated tests, while communicating with other teams to ensure consistency across the board. Can't recommend him enough as a co-worker and programmer. I have learned a huge amount working alongside him. He is always happy to lend a hand in a constructive way."
    - Emer Mooney, Product Engineer at Intercom
  • "It's very rare to see someone come into a team and become a key member so quickly. I was really impressed with how Dan approached his work and ensured it was delivered on time and with the highest quality. Dan is ridiculously efficient, you don't need to tell him anything twice and he immerses himself in his work soaking up everything. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Dan, his work ethic and coffee making skills are top class. Thanks, Dan!"
    - Phil Kearney, Lead Software Engineer at Personio
  • Read more testimonials on LinkedIn ↗